Monday, September 10, 2012

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

The title is from Lord Alfred Tennyson's epic poem In Memoriam. We're studying it in my Victorian era Literature class. It's one of his famous lines, and I'm sure if you've seen Moulin Rouge, you've heard something similar to it.


I don't know if you've noticed, but I'll be updating this blog maybe, once or twice a week instead of EVERYDAY. Mostly because

  1. I don't write every day (how boring is it to see post after post about how YET AGAIN, I've failed to write--or only have written a sentence or two).
  2. I've become quite the busy student
  3. It's easier to post once or twice a week with a meaty meal rather than five measly servings that couldn't feed an ant.
School so far has been successful. I'm actually happy about it for once. It's been over a year since I've felt this confident. Losing 19 pounds may have something to do with the confidence department, but still. Having my family's support at every turn--actually depending on them does help a lot.

Ironically, it's not that they actually do anything materially for me. They don't hold my hand as I go to school, or help me with my papers and readings. Just talking to my mom about how my day's been, how nervous I am about some assignment or how proud I am for talking to some random person.

It feels good.

I feel good.

If only I had more time to really sit down and pound out this chapter! This weekend is going to be busy also. I'm going down to San Diego to my aunt's to help with an event. I plan to leave Friday and then get back Sunday. Maybe. The details need ironing. But this means I might go another weekend without much progress. Last weekend I spent with my family also. Damn these buggers, taking my precious writing time away!

Yes I just went from "oh I love how supporting they are!" to "God damn it, why are you everywhere!"

Now that's true love.

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