So, it's December 21 and so far the world is still in one piece. Although, there is plenty of time for it to fall apart someway or another. But as interesting as the Mayan's calendar is, I'M WRITING AGAIN!!@2!1
Yesterday I wrote about 1k words, which, in my case, is wonderful since I haven't touched my draft in a month or two. Stared longingly at it? Yes, but worked on it? No. And what even is more amazing is that I spent two days dilly dallying on my laptop, playing video games, avoiding writing before I finally faced the music and wrote (shame on you, Caitlin. Shame. On. You).
It's hard. I haven't written for my draft in what feels like way too long and suddenly I'm suppose to just jump in and continue where I left off? If only. If only. But I pushed and shoved and was able to fit the routinely word amount in. I should be writing more (jobless college student on break here) but I lack the inspiration I need. So to fix that I ended up reading a book (The False Prince) in a matter of hours. Hours, I say. Started at 2 ended at 11pm. Haven't done something like that since I was in high school.
And it felt great.
Reading is my number one trigger for inspiration and reading a good book is even more inspiring.
But why am I telling you this? Well, I plan to write (and read) a lot this break and I needed to tell someone (or thing).
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